End-to-end legal aid is indispensable for Clients with extremely complicated legal cases. Tax disputes, сontesting of audits initiated by state bodies and authorized organizations, business disputes, estate litigations, divorce and separation disputes, criminal defence and any other issue with no unambiguous resolution or issue, which demands long-term multistage litigations and lodging multiple complaints. Cannonical example is lodging an appeal to Federal Inspection of Tax Service. Purpose of appeal is to revoke decision about tax evasion charges of limited liability company (LLC). Upon results of the field tax audit, LLC was brought to responsibility because of tax evasion. At first, appeal was lodged to Moscow Department of Federal Tax Service, and then an attorney lodged appeal to Moscow Arbitration Court. Attorney and the LLC underwent countless examinations, including forensic accounting expert examination and they were appealing against decision of Tax Service over and over again. Finally attorney and his Client succeeded in proving innocence of General director, Chief accountant, company and revoked decision about tax evasion charges. Above all, General director and Chief accountant escaped criminal liability, they were not put on trial for non-payment of taxes.
When it comes into the open that task exceeds person's ability and a person can't resolve dispute on his own by negotiations, by amicable agreement or by participation in one or two proceedings and when it becomes clear that person should be prepared to long lasting struggle – only afterwards a person will сall his attorney for qualified legal help. After dispute arising many people feel like their issue is 100% win-win situation all around and they are confident of victory. They are convinced, that court/authorized organization will grant a judgment in their favour. But court/authorized organization often makes decision not in their favour, but in the favour of their opponents. And when it is happened people have to overcome a lot of stress and have to suffer shipwreck of hopes. Half the time people apply to their attorney only after loosing a case and that is why they reduce their chances to protect their rights in the future. Therefore it is of vital importance to call your attorney promptly without any loss of time. Your personal attorney can recognize signs of complex and intricate matter and prescribes right step by step action plan and provide You with competent and qualified legal defense.
Сomprehensive aid package сonsists of:
- 1) making an appointment, holding the meeting between You and your attorney;
- 2) attorney makes analysis of the documents and evaluates the prospect of the case;
- 3) attorney prepares all document on an issue to succeed in a court/to resolve issue;
- 4) full involvement of your attorney - proceedings, litigations, amicable agreements, investigatory actions and other procedures and measures to defence You until successful accomplishment of defensive mission or until case is brought to a close.